I did not pay any attention to the Confirmation Hearings for RFK Jr. last week. I did not pay any attention to it because I cannot stomach any governmental hearings. The entire government is corrupt and criminal to its core. That includes every single Senator, including Rand Paul, and I have proof to back up my statement.
I am a mother who had to bury her daughter because she wanted to attend college. This is 100% TRUE FACT! My daughter was completely healthy, the healthiest anyone could be. One of the reasons she was so healthy is because she was born in 1980 and only had a few baby vaccinations in her first year of life. After that I never took her to get booster shots to attend school.
My daughter attended school from kindergarten to 12 grade with zero vaccines. However, in 1998 she wanted to attend college and when she applied to college, they saw she did not have any booster shots to attend school. They mandated her to get all her childhood vaccinations to attend college, and she was no longer a child, she was 17 years old and perfectly healthy.
The number of shots she would have gotten in 1985, before the National Childhood Injury Act was signed is greatly different from the number of shots they forced her to get in 1998. Shortly after receiving all those shots at once she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Due to her MS, she was not even able to get her bachelor’s degree, something she so desperately wanted.
The state government of Pennsylvania destroyed my daughter’s life for 19 years and eventually killed her in December 2022. I only learned this truth in 2020, when I began doing my own research on the CDC vaccine schedule and the 1986 Act.
Here is my list of questions I have for every Senator. I will be sending these questions directly to each of them.
1) Why did Congress give vaccine manufacturers a free pass from liability to injure and kill our children in 1986 with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act? No other industry gets a free past to harm and kill.
2) Why is the legal and official statement from the United States government on vaccines that ALL VACCINES ARE UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE? This statement is in two legal documents. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and in the Supreme Court ruling in 2011. Both are legal and binding statements. However, vaccines are very avoidable, because when people know the truth, they can say “NO”.
3) Why will the CDC not do a study of unvaccinated children compared to vaccinated children? Many independent studies have been done that proves that unvaccinated children are FAR healthier than vaccinated children. Also, many controlled groups like the Amish prove this to be true.
4) Why has the number of vaccines on the CDC Childhood vaccine schedule grown from 26 vaccines from 3 months old to 18 years old in 1986, to 80 vaccines from in the womb to 18 years old today. The 80 vaccines include 4 vaccines given to pregnant mothers and 4 COVID shots added a few years ago. Ever since the vaccine manufacturers got a free pass to kill, they have more than triple the number of vaccines given.
5) Why is there not one unvaccinated child ever diagnosed with autism? Not one child diagnosed with autism has ever been unvaccinated. That is PROOF right there that vaccines cause autism. This is common sense.
6) Why are doctor’s licenses taken away if they write too many medical exemptions for vaccines? In truth, every man, woman, and child are entitled to a medical exemption to all vaccines because of the legal and binding documents mentioned in question 2 above.
7) Why is this information censored by the government by the public? I only know this information from doing my own research. Why is the truth about vaccines deliberately hidden from the public?
8) Why is the ‘vaccine insert’ not given to parents before any vaccine is ever administered to a baby? For True Informed Consent, every single ingredient in a vaccine needs to be given to a parent. Also, ALL KNOWN possible side effects should be listed. The entire vaccine insert that is given to doctors should be given to every parent.
9) If vaccines are so safe and effective, why are the manufacturers of vaccines NOT liable for any injuries and deaths that that they cause?
All vaccines are poisonous! THIS IS A TRUE FACT! It is impossible to make poison safe for anyone. Not one vaccine has ever been proven to be safe or effective.
To lean more about the Truth about vaccines that the government does not want you to know, visit Supreme Court Ruling Awareness Movement.
Here is Rand Paul’s statement at the hearing last week. Which was also a disgrace. He is not telling the truth of what needs to be said and what needs to be heard by the public. He is still in support of lying to the public and injecting our babies and children with poison. The entire Senate is owned by Big Pharma, even Rand Paul. If he was not, he would have told the absolute Truth, not the lies that the public has been hearing for years.
Rand Paul at RFK Jr.'s Confirmation Hearing!