The past month I have been sharing the Truth about the dangers of vaccines with Children Health Defense (CHD) and Reform Pharma.
I was honored to be a speaker with many doctors, attorneys, and Health Freedom activists on a panel that aired last week. And on September 19th I spoke at a rally in Harlem with many of the same panel of speakers.
I attended the premiere of the movie Vaxxed III, which was very good. Everyone should see this documentary film. This film is a film that everyone can relate to because it is about the Plandemic hospital protocols and COVID shots. It’s not about the CDC childhood vaccine schedule, which Vaxxed and Vaxxed II were about.
Not everyone could relate to the first two films, however, the Plandemic in 2020 affected everyone in the world. Therefore, everyone can relate to this new film.
I attended the opening premiere of Vaxxed III in New Your city on September 18th. The theater was packed and SOLD OUT! Nevertheless, everyone now has the opportunity to see the Online Premiere of Vaxxed III for FREE!
If you missed it in theaters, you can still sign up to watch the film FREE Online Premiere, Friday, October 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM EDT, 4:00 PM PDT.
My Segment of the COVID-19 Jabs Harm Babies and Children ForumI am speaking on a panel of Doctors, Nurses, Attorneys, and Health Freedom Activists speaking out against the harm that the CDC is now promoting COVID-19 shots for babies as young as 6 months old. Here is my short segment.
COVID-19 Jabs Harm Babies and Children PanelHere is the entire panel of Attorneys, Doctors, Nurses, and Health Freedom activists speaking out against the CDC promoting COVID shots for infants.
This is my talk that I gave at the Rally in Harlem
My name is Caroline Chang. I am a mother on a mission to inform everyone of the dangers of ALL vaccines. My daughter Neukeyia was killed because she wanted to attend college. She had never had her booster shots to attend Kindergarten in the mid-80s. When she applied to attend college in 1998, she was mandated to get all the booster shots that she didn’t get in 1985.
Shortly after getting those booster shots, she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). She struggled with MS for 19 years and was not able to be a mother to her son. She passed away in her sleep on December 5, 2022, from complications of MS. I don’t want any other parents to have to bury their child because their child wanted to attend college.
The CDC is now promoting COVID-19 shots for babies as young as 6 months old. While in many European Countries they have BANNED the Covid-19 shots for people under 30 years old. These countries saw the harm and death that these shots were causing young people. There is overwhelming evidence of how dangerous these mRNA injections are.
However, the US government has approved these extremely dangerous injections for infants. They are even talking about making all vaccines mRNA injections. The CDC has seen all this evidence, overwhelming proof that these shots cause great harm and yet they still lie to parents and promote these shots using Sesame Street Muppets like Elmo. The irony in this is that my daughter LOVED Elmo, even as an adult. For every holiday I had to buy her something with Elmo on it. The CDC is using my daughter's favorite Muppet Elmo to push these dangerous shots on to toddlers.
From a legal standpoint, there is something most people do not know. They don’t know that the government’s official stance on vaccines is that they are ALL UNSAFE. The US Government declares ALL VACCINES TO BE UNSAFE! They declare this in two legal documents, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and in the 2011 Supreme Court Ruling.
Both of these legal document’s state that ALL vaccines are Unavoidably UNSAFE PRODUCTS. Yet, our government mandates these unsafe products on children to attend school. However, they are very wrong about them being unavoidable. They are very avoidable because we the people have the power to say “NO” loud and clear. The more we do this the more they will see who truly has the power. We do! Not Them!
The same government that gave Big Pharma the license to kill our children in 1986. There is no place in writing that states vaccines are safe and effective. Yet, we keep hearing the mockingbird media repeating this lie over and over. If any person tells you that vaccines are safe and effective. Ask them to show you that in writing. Because you can show them in writing the exact opposite, by showing them the 1986 Act and 2011 Supreme Court Ruling.
The other thing that many people are unaware of, is that in the 1986 Act there were MANY safety provisions written in the Act to protect children. Not one of those safety provisions has ever been upheld by the courts or Congress. The proof of this is with the illegal Supreme Court ruling in 2011.
The United States is the sickest and most unhealthy country in the world. And gives more vaccines to children than any other country. The increase in childhood chronic illness has grown directly with the number of vaccines on the CDC childhood schedule.
Before the 1986 Act, there were 26 doses from 3 months to 18 years old. Now on the CDC schedule there are 80 doses from prenatal to 18 years old. That is including 4 vaccines given to pregnant mothers, 4 Covid-19 shots, and 72 other doses. They are injecting babies on day ONE of life.
In many independent studies done by several doctors, Unvaccinated Children are FAR healthier than vaccinated children. This is also proven in the Amish Community where there is no chronic illness among their children.
In the mid-1960s, 4 out of 10,000 children had autism. Now it is one out of 35 children with autism. There is an undeniable correlation to autism and chronic illness in children with the CDC’s vaccine schedule.
Parents with babies and toddlers, please heed our warning. Your child’s health and wellbeing are most important. Especially when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine. Your baby is at ZERO risk of harm from any “so-called’ COVID.
There is something wonderful that has happened since 2020. Homeschooling is growing rapidly and there is now a tremendous interest in controlling your child’s education. Homeschooling organizations and homeschool co-ops are on the rise. In Truth for many reasons Homeschooling just might be the BEST option for all children.
Change begins with YOU, this is so True. To change the world, we must first start with ourselves. We can control what happens by NOT giving criminal organizations like the CDC any power over our lives. We can share this information with family and friends. Once people are fully informed and aware of the dangers, this madness will come to an end. Because we will no longer be complying with their lies.
Last night I had the opportunity to see an amazing movie, Vaxx 3. Everyone should watch this movie. And soon it will be available for free online. Please share it with others. Host a movie night in your home. We can Wake people up to the Truth one person at a time.
This past flu and cold season very few people got the COVID boosters. Everyone I know who got one or two shots has said to me that they are getting no more of these shots. If adults are no longer getting these shots, why would anyone give them to their baby or child.
With knowledge we have all power. Because with knowledge we can make better decisions for our family. Imagine if a large percentage of the population chooses NOT to vaccinate their children. Then we show the government and CDC who has the real power, WE DO!
I created a website to help inform everyone of much of this information. And in honor of my daughter Neukeyia. For more information, please visit SupremeCourtRulingAwareness. org
Thank you!
